Sunday, November 16, 2008


Got 'em. Can't Wait!!!!!!!


Jenny and Mark said...

How did you get them so early?

buchanancasa said...

Ooooohh, I am definitely doing that too. Ash and I really wanted to see it when we were in NY last spring, but we just did the lottery system for a few days, and we never won. I've heard it's incredible.

123 said...

How did you get tickets? I want to go soooooooooo bad!!!!!!!!!

Jamie said...

Wicked is like my all time favorite!!! (Not that I see a lot of shows.) We went a couple years back (has it been that long??) when we were in NY and it was amazing. How fun for you guys!!

Carrie said...

that's going to be so awesome! i'm jealous :) that's goong to be great to look forward to!