Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Kaleb Visit!!!

It was Spring Break in Seattle last week so Kaleb got to come down and hang with us for the week. Ryan and Brennan loves when we get to have Kaleb. All morning they ask can they go wake him up and then when we give the ok they jump and maul the poor guy to death. They love to play with him and he is really patient and likes to play with them. Sometimes he needs a break from so much love. We had a fun time even though the weather was kind of yucky. We went swimming and shopping and to the movies. Everytime I see him I can't believe how grown up he is. He is only 14 but he looks and talks much older. We can't wait for the summer when we get to have him visit again. We miss and love him so much..

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Baby Blake Turns 1

Yes, we call her Baby Blake.. It is annoying and we need to stop but its kindof stuck... I know everyone says it but really I can't believe she is 1. It seriously is amazing how much they grow in one year. She is such a blessing in our lives. She really makes our family complete. It was so nice with just Ryan and Brennan.. We each would just grab one kid and we were off. It's funny how three makes it a little more difficult but we wouldn't have it any other way. She really is sweet and loves Brennan to death. She just follows him around and wants to be wherever he is. She is almost walking and with that she climbs and crawls and gets into everything. EVERYTHING... I don't know if it's harder on me or the other two sometimes because really she is into everything.. But her smile and blue eyes are sweet and I think she has her dad wrapped around her finger.... Happy Birthday Baby Blake!!!

Disney On Ice

Because, I am a bah humbug mom and don't want to go to Disneyland until it's actually a memory for all of my children, we occasionally like to go to Disney On Ice. For awhile I even had Ryan convinced that this was Disneyland but she is getting too smart for her mean mom. But when I saw the princesses were coming and Buzz and Woody I thought it might be a little fun. However, Buzz and Woody were only in the finale and Brennan was worried the whole time because they never came out. Preston did have him convinced that they were probably sick and couldn't make it so when it was finally at the end and they made their grand appearance, everyone was happy!!! Especially me..Hopefully, this can buy me some more time...

Happy St. Patricks Day

So,,,,, When I taught first grade my all time favorite holiday with my students was St. Patricks Day. We would make cute little leprechaun outfits and sing the Leprechaun March as we paraded through the school. Of course that was after Lucky Leprechaun had visited our classroom and climbed our ladders, messed up our tote trays and left us gold. Well I decided Lucky needed to visit Ryan, Brennan and Blake this year. We made our ladders the night before and guess what??? Lucky came and brought a little gold... For days Ryan and Brennan were trying to figure out how he got in the house....

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Goodbye January!!!

I don't know what it is but I have really started to hate January. I don't know if it's the haze that never seems to leave or the below freezing temperatures every morning or my kids constantly having runny noses, ear infections, fevers, stomach flu, or some other reason for crying and being up during the night. Or maybe it's the diet that I know I should go on but don't really want to because come on with all the cold and staying in I have to eat something yummy to make me feel better. Anyhow, U of U gymnastics starts in January and that always gets me excited. My sister and I have always gone since I was about 12 years old and we have added her girls and our sisters in law and their daughters and now Ryan comes so it is a good time for me with all the Willardson girls. Plus, the Utes are looking good this year so I am super psyched!!!

Brennan and I also had some mom and me time in all my doom and gloom which was another highlight. We signed up for Smart Sport class at the rec center and it was fun for just him and I to have something together. I always feel bad that Ryan has dance and preschool so I was trying to find something for him that would be just for him.. He loved it!! Everyday he would ask if it was sport day.. We did soccer, baseball, basketball, football and swimming. Can I just add another highlight of January for me was getting this pasty white still need to lose 20 pounds of baby weight that is now 10 months old in a swimming suit body. WOOT WOOT!!!! Thank you Jenny for abandoning me on swim day. The only redeeming thing for me is their was a senior citizen water aerobics class going on at the same time so I know not everyone was checking out my HOT body.

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Actually, some good things about January is staying in and reading a good book, a hot bath and cozy warm sweats to hide under. I must admit I did have one resolution I started and have kept and that is a gratitude journal. IT really has changed me. I am so much more grateful for small and simple things that I really use to take for granted. I have become so much more aware of the world around me and have come to such a realization of how truly blessed I am. Bring on February and all the yummy Valentine treats!!!!